Driving Change: Autonomous Vehicle Trust, Reliability Restored with Autobrains 'Liquid AI' Innovation

Driving Change: Autonomous Vehicle Trust, Reliability Restored with Autobrains 'Liquid AI' Innovation


by Merilee Kern, MBA


https___autobrains.ai_wp-content_uploads_2022_.pngAs the automotive industry evolves at a rapid-fire pace, trust in autonomous driving vehicles remains a critical challenge amid pervasive reliability concerns. Addressing this substantial industry pain point is automotive AI technology disruptor Autobrains Technologies. Its game-changing “Liquid AI” innovation—combining AI-assisted driving with its Autonomous Driving capabilities—directly addresses such marketplace reliability concerns, setting new standards for autonomous driving in the process.

"The safety debate surrounding AVs is more relevant than ever,” notes Autobrains Founder and CEO Igal Raichelgauz. "While AVs promise to reduce traffic fatalities by eliminating human error such as distracted driving, there are still significant reliability concerns for both manufacturers and drivers. The ongoing dialogue around AVs is critical, and we're not only at the forefront of these discussions, but also advancing AI that prioritizes driverless car safety. We believe our Liquid AI technology offers a paradigm shift by mimicking human cognitive processes, thereby improving the system's adaptability and decision-making in real-time. The automotive industry stands at a crossroad. We are proud to lead this charge, setting new standards for what AI in driving can achieve."

Driving Change
Autobrains’ revolutionary Liquid AI technology enhances situational awareness and decision-making, providing a safer and more reliable driving experience. As AI continues to evolve, these advancements are crucial in building trust and adoption among drivers and manufacturers, alike. Combining AI-assisted driving with its Autonomous Driving capabilities, Liquid AI enhances situational awareness and decision-making, providing a safer and more reliable driving experience, which is crucial in building trust and adoption among both drivers and manufacturers.  As AI continues to be integrated into vehicles, the question of generating trust becomes paramount.


"The reliability of Autonomous Driving has been a significant concern for both manufacturers and drivers,” said Raichelgauz. “We believe that our Liquid AI technology offers a paradigm shift by mimicking human cognitive processes, thereby improving the system's adaptability and decision-making in real-time. Traditional AI, with its narrow focus, often falls short when faced with the unpredictable nature of real-world driving. Liquid AI, however, marks a significant departure from this approach. By incorporating principles of human cognition, it learns and adapts in real-time, ensuring that our driving systems are predictable and optimized for any real-world driving scenario.


There are several key factors that differentiate Liquid AI from traditional AI systems. These include:

  • Robust Edge Case Handling: Effectively addresses the long tail of edge cases that traditional AI systems struggle with.

  • Human-Like Cognitive Processing: Mimics human decision-making, allowing for better handling of unpredictable real-world conditions.

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: Lower computational power requirements make it scalable across various vehicle models without compromising performance.

  • Real-Time Learning: Liquid AI adapts in real-time to new driving scenarios, ensuring higher accuracy and fewer false positives.

With a background in AI innovation spanning multiple disciplines, Raichelgauz is a distinguished technology executive who has co-founded several successful businesses, including Cortica—a company renowned for its self-learning technology in visual perception.  Under his leadership, the Autobrains Liquid AI technology is now driving consequential change in the automotive industry by resolving autonomous vehicle reliability.

"The automotive industry stands at a crossroad,” Raichelgauz continued. “As we continue to integrate AI into our vehicles, the question of generating trust becomes paramount. Traditional AI, with its narrow focus, often falls short when faced with the unpredictable nature of real-world driving. Liquid AI, however, marks a significant departure from this approach. By incorporating principles of human cognition, it learns and adapts in real-time, ensuring that our driving systems are predictable and optimized for any real-world driving scenario. At Autobrains, we are proud to lead this charge, setting new standards for what AI in driving can achieve."



Merilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand strategist and analyst
who reports on noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all B2B and B2C categories. This includes field experts and thought leaders, brands, products, services, destinations and events. As a prolific business and consumer trends, lifestyle and leisure industry voice of authority and tastemaker, she keeps her finger on the pulse of the marketplace in search of new and innovative must-haves and exemplary experiences at all price points, from the affordable to the extreme—also delving into the minds behind the brands. Connect with her at www.TheLuxeList.com and www.SavvyLiving.tv / Instagram www.Instagram.com/MerileeKern / Twitter www.Twitter.com/MerileeKern / Facebook www.Facebook.com/MerileeKernOfficial / LinkedIN www.LinkedIn.com/in/MerileeKern.

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