
Breakthrough in Battery Industry: LeydenJar Boosts Battery Energy by 70%

Battery Industry Boosts Battery LeydenJar

Breakthrough in Battery Industry: LeydenJar Boosts Battery Energy by 70%

Breakthrough in Battery Industry: LeydenJar Boosts Battery Energy by 70%   LeydenJar enables 70% more energy in one battery cell 70% more battery energy: LeydenJar achieves 1350 Wh/L in more than 100 cycles  LEIDEN, The Netherlands, July 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- LeydenJar Technologies, a Dutch spin-out of the applied research institute TNO, has developed a new anode that will drastically change the battery industry. For the first time, anodes in lithium-ion batteries can be made from 100% silicon. This breakthrough offers two key benefits: batteries with a 70% higher energy density (1350 Wh/L) and 62% less CO2 emissions. The anode is ready...

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"To recover from the coronavirus crisis we'll need to combine human, artificial and economic intelligence"

AI coronavirus crisis economic intelligence human intelligence recover

"To recover from the coronavirus crisis we'll need to combine human, artificial and economic intelligence"

"To recover from the coronavirus crisis we'll need to combine human, artificial and economic intelligence" Joan Torrent, Professor of Economics at the UOC's Faculty of Economics and Business We spoke to Joan Torrent, Professor of Economics, principal investigator of the i2TIC group at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Faculty of Economics and Business, and a specialist in ICTs and artificial intelligence. When discussing the economic and health crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, in his mind there can be no recovery without both artificial and economic intelligence. However, he adds: "But make no mistake, neither will be possible without human...

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The green economy will create 24 million jobs

24 million jobs green economy

The green economy will create 24 million jobs

The green economy will create 24 million jobs Environmentally focused bachelor's and master's degrees are emerging in response to the planet's climate emergency and new labour market demands Environmental communicator, sustainable tourism specialist and ecodesigner are just some of the latest job positions to come out of the green economy. According to the report "World Employment and Social Outlook 2018: Greening with jobs" from the International Labour Organization (ILO), 24 million new jobs will be created between now and 2030 as the world shifts towards a greener economy. The study reveals that the most sought-after fields will be related to...

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The feminist economy makes headway in the wake of COVID-19

COVID-19 feminist economy

The feminist economy makes headway in the wake of COVID-19

The feminist economy makes headway in the wake of COVID-19 The coronavirus crisis is precipitating profound change with the inclusion of feminist principles as part of the economic model The COVID-19 crisis is serving to effect radical change in the economic model, opening the door to a new perspective that incorporates some of the values and principles that the feminist movement has been demanding for a long time. Concepts such as valuing life and the care of others, the common good, open knowledge and mutual support have suddenly been placed at the heart of the productive system. "We are currently facing a...

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The Shutdown of the Restaurant Industry: The Widespread Impact

Restaurants Shutdown

The Shutdown of the Restaurant Industry: The Widespread Impact

The Shutdown of the Restaurant Industry: The Widespread Impact Restaurants are already fragile businesses, not known for lucrative revenue, but instead known for surviving on tight margins. As the industry reopens to the “new normal,” what does the restaurant industry look like? This article appeared in The Bankruptcy Strategist, featuring the strategies and techniques devised by the country’s top bankruptcy lawyers and reports on innovative procedural techniques, legislative developments and recent judicial rulings — plus what they mean for you and your clients. Many communities have been experiencing a growing restaurant scene over the last few years. In fact, recent years have...

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