Amplified Wellness Uses State of the Art Laser Technology to Help People Achieve Optimal Weight Loss Goals

Amplified Wellness Uses State of the Art Laser Technology to Help People Achieve Optimal Weight Loss Goals

Fat Replica on treatment table

Fat Replica on treatment table

The Amped 22 technique, a more effective way to lose weight, Amplified Wellness has introduced LipoLaser therapy with individualized refueling diet programs.

EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA, November 4, 2022 / -- Amplified Wellness, based in Edmonton, Alberta, is a Health and Wellness Clinic offering Lipo melt and Personalized Nutrition services. They have recently expanded into a full-fledged Weight Loss, Nutrition, and diet center.

The toughest part of a weight loss journey is to get rid of stubborn fat. Finally, after extensive research, technology, and the inclusion of refueling programs, Amplified Wellness has introduced the most effective way of it. While also contouring the body; the metabolic procedure uses laser energy to reduce fat content in the body through natural means. Coupled with individualized refueling programs ensure minimal inflammation and restores the natural gut biome, which is responsible for important functions for better health and well-being. The clinic has recently moved to a bigger and better location, a 2000 square feet home with 3 treatment beds and 2 private consult rooms.

Amplified Wellness has received great reviews for its wellness programs through which many individuals have lost weight and adopted a healthier way of living by shifting to a healthier diet. They personalize one-to-one in-depth sessions with their patients and are very professional and pleasant, catering to every need and inquiry. Programs are tailor-made for those physically and mentally suffering from poor diet and obesity, offering a highly effective accountability program, assisting them in completely changing their relationship with food. Amplified Wellness is bringing a happier healthy life to all Canadians.

The team behind the clinic includes a trio of extremely talented women who are on a collective mission to improve the physical health of their patients intertwined with their psychosocial well-being, which is also, as a result, enhanced through their unmatched, remarkable services all over the country. The treatment at Amplified Wellness is backed by forty years of research, beginning with NASA experiments and culminating in today's aesthetic and orthopedic industries. Read in detail about procedures here.

'We have grown quickly. It started in the back room of a Health and Wellness Clinic, and in the first 4 months, we knew that we had something, something huge! We combine the technology of LipoLaser therapy with individualized refueling programs that reduce inflammation and restore the natural gut biome. I welcome all who are concerned about their weight and diet to come to visit us at our new location and amplify your wellness!' – Dr. Kelly, - Amplified Wellness.

For more details and information, visit their website. To book an appointment or for further inquiries, contact Contact Amplified Wellness.

About Amplified Wellness
Amplified Wellness is a Health and Wellness Clinic based in Edmonton, Alberta offering Lipo Laser therapy and a personalized nutrition program under one roof. They combine modern weight loss techniques backed by technology with proper fuel sources to reduce inflammation and lose stubborn body fat.

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