Big Pharma — Latvian pharmaceutics companies
Latvian pharmaceutics companies want to build vaccine factory
Latvian pharmaceutics companies pharmaceutics companies

Photo: Lita Krone, LETA Latvian pharmaceutics companies want to build vaccine factory Three Latvian pharmaceutical companies – AS “Olainfarm”, AS “Grindeks” and SIA “Pharmidea” – want to build a factory for production of vaccines against Covid-19, said co-owner of “Pharmidea” Vitālijs Skrīvelis at the meeting of the Saeima's Sustainable Development Committee March 10. According to him, due to restrictions on Covid-19, the Latvian economy has been stalled, although it has been done in order not to overload hospitals. But looking ahead, the pandemic can reoccur, and “it would be certainly wise and important to prepare for such times”. "In terms of...