Big Pharma — Health Industry
Impact of Blockchain in the Health Industry

Impact of Blockchain in the Health Industry In the 21st century, we all have witnessed massive changes take place in the world. There has been continuous innovation and up-gradation in technology in all aspects. The more the human civilization stepped up the ladder of innovation, we have made some remarkable changes. Blockchain has become the new sensation in this era. It is the new buzz word in the tech industry. Not only it impacts the mode of transaction, but it impacts the health industry as well. The impact of the blockchain industry will increase in the upcoming years in...
How is AI transforming the health industry?

How is AI transforming the health industry? The health industry is one of the most important business sectors on the planet. No matter where you live or what you do in your day to day life, you will rely on the health industry in some capacity to support you at some point in your life. Innovations in this sector are incredibly important, and one of the biggest to make waves is AI development. Patient-led What many top healthcare advisors are seeing right now is a real change towards patient-led healthcare. Many patients are taking the time to research their conditions and...
COVID-19 Bonanza: Stimulus Hands Health Industry Billions Not Directly Related To Pandemic
Bonanza COVID-19 Health Industry Stimulus

COVID-19 Bonanza: Stimulus Hands Health Industry Billions Not Directly Related To Pandemic (Hannah Norman/KHN Illustration; Getty Images) The coronavirus stimulus package Congress rushed out last week to help the nation’s hospitals and health care networks hands the industry billions of dollars in windfall subsidies and other spending that has little to do with defeating the COVID-19 pandemic. The $2 trillion legislation, which President Donald Trump signed Friday, includes more than $100 billion in emergency funds to compensate hospitals and other health care providers for lost revenue and other costs associated with COVID-19. The measure also calls for spending up...