Mexicans are already stepping forward to support the democratic development of Asgardia, with over 6,200 Mexicans signing up to be Asgardian citizens. Keeping in line with its development as a parliamentary democracy, Asgardia has recently appointed 4 Mexicans to be members of its Parliament, joining 143 other MP-elects from all over the world tasked with representing the best interests of over 200,000 Asgardian citizens from over 200 countries.
The MPs will meet for the first time since their election on 24th June to begin work on the legislative priorities of Asgardia and will attend the inauguration of the Head of Nation in Vienna on 25th June.
Asgardia’s Deputy Head of Administration of Asgardia, Lena De Winne has said:
"Countries are not visible from space. Asgardia’s parliament structure is based on a principle of division by the top languages spoken by the Asgardian citizenry.
“We are delighted to welcome Mexican parliamentarians as representatives of the Spanish language district to our parliament.”