How Modern Carbide Endmill Technology Increases Tool Life Through the Reduction of Heat in High Production CNC Milling

CNC Milling

How Modern Carbide Endmill Technology Increases Tool Life Through the Reduction of Heat in High Production CNC Milling

Heat is the enemy of carbide. Excessive temperature breaks down the Colbalt Binder, which holds the Tungsten Carbide in place. Hanita™ has developed a coating that gets you more time out of your tools.

Hanita Victory solid carbide end mills use a combination of pre-coat process, coating, and post coat treatment. The pre-coat process removes any grinding damage. You can’t see it with the naked eye, but it’s there and can affect the cutting-edge integrity and chip flow characteristics. This process smooths all surfaces in preparation for coating. The Victory coating is an Advanced AlTiN treatment with aluminum content which oxidizes with high temperatures and lends itself to high surface speed capability and better tool life. After coating, the post-coat process creates a smooth and hard surface. This also improves the compressive strength of the coating, preventing it from flaking or wearing too soon. The cutting edge is very consistent for strength and enhanced chip flow.

Innovative edge preparation provides consistent tool life by eliminating most microchipping caused by grinding. The post-coat finish reduces the chip build-up and improves chip flow. Combined, Victory grades increase tool life and provide higher MRR, shorter cycle times, and fewer tool changes.

How Modern Carbide Endmill Technology Increases Tool Life Through the Reduction of Heat in High Production CNC Milling

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